2 Hey, Hey Helen

Written by: (B. Andersson / B. Ulvaeus)

So at last you’re free
it’s the way you wanted it to be
and the price you pay
to be called a woman of today
is it worth the pain
to see the children cry
does it hurt
when they ask for Daddy

Hey, hey Helen
now you live on your own
hey, hey Helen
can you make it alone
(yes you can)

So you’re free at last
and beginning to forget the past
does it make you sad
when you think about the life you had
but you’re right
you had to take a second chance
so you fly to find your freedom

Hey, hey Helen
now you live on your own
hey, hey Helen
can you make it alone
hey, hey Helen
what’s the matter with you
hey, hey Helen
don’t you know what to do
(yes you do)

© Copyright 1975 for the world by Universal/Union Songs AB, Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved

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1 Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)

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