8 The Visitors

Written by: (B. Andersson / B. Ulvaeus)

I hear the door-bell ring
and suddenly
the panic takes me
the sound so
ominously tearing
through the silence
I cannot move
I’m standing
numb and frozen
among the things
I love so dearly
the books, the paintings
and the furniture
help me

The signal’s sounding
once again and
someone tries the doorknob
none of my friends
would be so stupidly
and they don’t dare
to come here
anymore now
but how I loved our
secret meetings
we talked and talked
in quiet voices

Now I hear them moving
muffled noises coming
through the door
I feel I’m
crackin’ up
voices growing louder
irritation building
and I’m close to fainting
crackin’ up
they must know by now
I’m in here trembling
in a terror evergrowing
crackin’ up
my whole world is falling
going crazy
there is no escaping now
I’m crackin’ up

These walls have
witnessed all the
anguish of humiliation
and seen the hope
of freedom glow
in shining faces
and now they’ve
come to take me
come to break me
and yet it isn’t
I have been waiting
for these visitors
help me

Now I hear them moving
muffled noises coming
through the door
I feel I’m
crackin’ up
voices growing louder
irritation building
and I’m close to fainting
crackin’ up
they must know by now
I’m in here trembling
in a terror evergrowing
crackin’ up
my whole world is falling
going crazy
there is no escaping now
I’m crackin’ up

© Copyright 1981 for the world by Universal/Union Songs AB, Stockholm, Sweden. All rights reserved

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